Lifestyle Newborn Photography | Baby Ellery

Picture of Tilly



Baby Ellery by Seattle Newborn Photographer Tilly

I have never met this mom, like many of my clients until the day I take photos of them in their most vulnerable states. Birthing babies, post birth, battling a strong willed 2-year-old or after the loss of a baby. I have seen women at their breaking points and seen them at their happiest. The moment they see their baby for the first time. It gives me goosebumps every time and never gets old. No other time in your life are you able love someone more than anything, someone you have never even met. As women, we have this ability to love so hard, and well, grow humans. Women are all powerful. Yet we struggle with other women. It is because we are afraid they may be more powerful than ourselves?

I was recently talking to one of my clients about some of the work I do; and how much it means to me that women come together. I said “with how truly powerful and smart we all really are if we allowed ourselves we could rule the world”. She made a really great point and said “or just stop tearing each other down”. It is so true. How do we learn to trust or want to lift each other up while woman are too busy pulling each other down? You are wondering what this has to do with Newborn Photography; it doesn’t. It has everything to do with a simple act this woman and now mother of two, did with another wonderful Mom.

They started a Facebook group.

That simple. A place where women (for the most part) lift each other up. A place for women to feel safe to ask questions, be vulnerable without judgment and learn together how to be Moms. This simple act has brought women together, for I think over three years now. It’s become a crucial part of this small community. She gave back and uplifted without even knowing. There is a need so great among mothers with so many of us without the help of families. Reach out – start a group in your community and watch it grow. Or just say hi to another woman. Uplift. Or just stop tearing down.

Her girls are so lucky to be raised by such a smart, wonderful women who lifts other women up. It’s a rare trait. This Newborn is going to have a wonderful big sister to watch over her, big warm arms of her father to crawl into and a mother she will want to grow up to be like.

Happy Birthday, ‘Elle’ – to a spring baby girl. Your partner will forever get to buy you fresh tulips on your birthday! As a December birthday girl, I am truly jealous.

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