Birthday Boys! | Seattle Family Photographer

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Birthday Boys! | Seattle Family Photographer

Is there anything more exciting than a birthday?

Okay, if you’re over 21, the answer is probably a huge, resounding yes.

However, if you’re a little boy, your birthday is pretty much the best day of the year. And seriously, what could be better than two little boys with birthdays?

As a mom, birthdays bring out all kinds of emotions. The memories of birth flood back to you. Those first few days of being in absolute awe of this tiny creature that is suddenly yours. All yours. And then they stop sleeping. So you stop sleeping. Your days revolve around this tiny creature that eats, sleeps, and poops while you can’t remember the last time you participated in any of those activities. The days seem so, so long. Neverending.

Then one day they’re gone, and your child is celebrating their first birthday. Then their second. Their third. It’s an absolute blessing to watch your child grow. At the same time, it hurts. It’s a pain like a slow burn. How did it happen so fast? Where did that squishy, tiny baby go? How did they grow so tall, so strong, so fast?

So many moms I know cry as their child approaches their next birthday. It’s a sign that you’ve made it another year, and that the years are slipping away. I sometimes think it’s especially hard on the moms of boys. We know deep inside, that our sons will one day find another partner and our status as their number one will be replaced, as it should be. How amazing, and how painful. We have children only to let them go. So when an elderly woman says enjoy every moment, she means it. When the moms of teenagers says it goes by so fast, she means it. She blinked and her four year old was fourteen. It’s a beautiful journey.

They grow up so fast. Don’t blink.

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