What Would you Change? | Senior Portraits

Picture of Tilly



Asking the Big Questions | Seattle Senior Portrait Photographer

Everyone I have posed this question to has told me they would change the course of their life. Everyone.

If you have spent any measure of time with me, you know I skip right past the small talk and try to get to know you. A friend once said that I am incapable of small talk to the point that I outright ignore it even when it’s socially inappropriate. This is true. As Anais Nin said, “I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” I, too, am afraid of shallow living.

I asked my husband and many others, “If you woke up tomorrow in the your bed the day before you graduated High School knowing all you know right now (via some miraculous time travel), what would you do differently? If you knew that you would lose everything you have now, would you still change anything?” The answer is always yes. Always. Are we all this unsatisfied? Or is it just getting to be 18 again and knowing what we all know now in our 30’s and 40’s we would do better, different, to try to be happier?

We would all go after different degrees at different universities. We would change what we eat and how and who we lived with. We would change who we were friends with and who we dated. We would be different.

When I was 18, why did I not ask more ‘old people’ like me now what they would change so I would not make the same mistakes? Is it because I wouldn’t have listened anyway? Who knows.

I get to photograph all these amazing, smart seniors this year and I see a little bit of me in each of them. The wonder and excitement. The feeling that I had the whole world in my hands. The courage to go after what made me happy.

How about you? If you woke up tomorrow in your bed the day before your high school graduation knowing all you know now, what would you change? Would you go to a different college? Would you even go to college? Would you travel more or less? Would you dance more?

Why not start now?

Senior Portraits | Seattle WA

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