Faces of Columbia City Series | Crossfit RE

Picture of Tilly



In a quest to better learn about our amazing and diverse neighborhood and finding any excuse to be behind my camera – I welcome you to my personal project; the Faces of Columbia City. I would like to introduce you to a place I stopped by, Crossfit RE on the corner of Genessee and Rainier Ave South which is owned by a very fit couple Darrick and BeckyJo. There is an unexpected and stunning natural light that warms this place right upon entering. I visited at the end of a class when some very sweaty people were leaving. I am sure they all burned enough calories for me to finish my Caramel Macchiato, so I did. I spent my time doing what I love to do most – taking pictures. I didn’t lift a single weight, if you were curious. This gym is also kid friendly. While I was there to meet with the owners – on a mom’s ankles was a very sweet little girl. Here is what BeckyJo had to say about their gym.

Crossfit Photography

Why CrossFit?

Because everything else we’ve tried is BORING! Okay, that’s harsh, but seriously, there is always a movement to learn or improve on when you’re doing CrossFit. And even as you master movements, you can always get stronger and faster. And you will rarely do the same workout twice (unless it’s a “benchmark” workout, when you get to see how far you’ve come). Personally, nothing has given me more confidence and made me feel like more of a badass than CrossFit.

Why Columbia City?

Because we found a crappy, empty building that was begging to be used for something awesome! We love the neighbors we’ve met on our block and we’re so happy to be able to fill an empty space with something positive. I would love to see more of the vacant spaces on Rainier Ave. get rented — the area has great potential!

Crossfit Photography

What do you love about working and living in the hood?

I actually work full time in Queen Anne, BUT I love, love, love living in South Seattle!! We never had a desire to find a home anywhere else. South Seattle is more diverse, more interesting, and more fun than any other part of Seattle (in my humble opinion). We have amazing restaurants and shops, cheap or free parking, and probably the best community Seattle has to offer. I mean, between our members (who are like family) and the Facebook and Yahoo groups in CC, we have found so much support as parents, business owners, and friends. I couldn’t be more grateful!

Crossfit Photography

How did you meet?

The short version is that we met through mutual friends.

The long version is that Darrick owned the record label that my boyfriend’s band was on. I met Darrick once while visiting the boy (who happened to be living in Darrick’s basement at the time). Eventually I moved to Seattle from Chicago to finish school and be with the boy. Obviously things didn’t work out between him and I, but thanks to him, Darrick and I reconnected. Darrick’s big move was to ask me out on a “non-date” via MySpace — you know, to show me the city and whatnot. So sneaky.

Crossfit Photography

How do you run a business together?

Because I work full time (as a graphic designer/art director at Seattle Pacific University), I’m fairly hands-off with the CF business. I give what I can by way of design, marketing, promotion, etc. Darrick’s totally the expert on both fitness and running a business, but my experience in communication is helpful. At least I like to think so.

But STAY TUNED for a ladies-only class out of our garage gym at home. I would love to train women who are new, nervous, preggo, post-baby, etc., etc. Our goal is to start that in 2014!

Crossfit Photography

Who plays what role in your marriage and business?

Well, Darrick is the least organized person I know. I am SO organized, i.e., totally anal! We balance each other well — I help him be slightly more organized, and he helps me relax a bit. He’s also a risk-taker and I definitely play it safe, and I think we balance each other well in that regard, too. Darrick is so incredibly smart when it comes to business and money. But he’s also really creative, which is the perfect amalgam for an entrepreneur. I am guaranteed to never have a boring life because he’s always asking, “What’s next?” Sometimes it’s scary, but I wouldn’t trade it (or him!) for anything.

Crossfit Photography

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My next career will be in nutrition. It’s scary to me that we have the ability to kill ourselves with food. I would love to find ways to make food research accessible and digestible (pun intended!) to everyone.

Crossfit Photography

Crossfit Photography


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