South Seattle Family Photography + Brinkley

Picture of Tilly



Dogs are Family | Family Photography

The day I got home from this photoshoot I received an email asking, “Will you let us bring our dog?”

All I could think was, “Can you please?” I love dogs and they are always welcome at my sessions.

There was no choice at this session! Brinkley wanted to be in every photo. He never wanted to be away from his mom and dad. It worked out beautifully!

A Little Piece of Me:

Rarely with Me

I am rarely with me. This sounds odd, but it’s true. Even when I am here, I am not. Like most moms, I am thinking constantly about my kiddo. Like most business owners, I am constantly thinking about my business and how it can be improved. Like most wives, I am wondering how to keep my husband happy and interested. Like most work from home moms, I am cleaning, running errands, dropping my kid off at preschool, coordinating with my nanny, making appointments, cooking and folding laundry. I am rarely present, alone with myself and my thoughts.

There are moments in time where I am sitting at a red light or standing in the shower when everything stops for just a second. Life becomes still. I see the steering wheel in front of me with my aging hands wrapped around it. I notice how much my hands look like my mom’s. Overnight, I have aged. There are times in the shower that I embrace the warm water dripping down my back, and close my eyes to inhale the sensation. For a second the world is mine and mine alone. Just me. These moments since I had a munchkin are so rare.  Split seconds in time.

Right now I am on a plane, blessed and stretched out in First Class typing away to get this blog post written. This is my chance to take a moment and be in my head. Slow down. My husband is probably just getting home from dropping off our son at preschool for the first time and feeling his heart strings tugged as he tries to forget the sound of our little man begging to stay home with us instead.

I am leaving on a plane, and my husband and son are at home. My heart is at home. This is my time to shut everything off that I can’t control and breathe. See; feel; listen to my inner voice.  I am terrified.

Who is this person who has laid dormant while caring for others? Will I like her if I tried to get to know her?

I guess I will find out on my travels over the next four days. Alone.

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