Family Photographer Seattle | Happy 1st Birthday

Picture of Tilly



Family Photographer Seattle

I have had the pleasure of working with this stunning family a couple of times now. There is no greater honor than getting to watch a little one grow. Now – I promised you all that I would always be honest about my trials and tribulations as a photographer… and this poor family have been he brunt of my trials.

My first appointment – well without the back story I will just say… I WAS LATE, really late. So when this client called me back to work with their family again I was shocked and determined to wow them. I put the appointment down in my calendar. I put a reminder to my reminder. I was so pleased with myself as I arrived to our location 20 minutes early and sat and waited. . . Took some test shots, adjusted my white balance… and waited. Something did not feel right. I took out my phone and check my emails, sure enough there was an email I had not yet read – we are meeting a different location. I about died. Got in my car and speed – yes I speed to meet them. Yes I was late again!

After the embarrassment and shock that I let this family down again I made sure that every last picture was perfect. We spent 30 minutes together and I feel great presenting them this final product.

Thank you to my amazing clients – thank you. I owe you AGAIN huge.

Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle
Family Photographer Seattle


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