Meet D | Head Shot Photography

Picture of Tilly



Corporate Head Shots in Seattle

Head shot photography is such an enjoyable change of pace because it allows me to focus on one person and capture their essence, whether it’s professionally or simply for family to enjoy. If you follow my blog, you know I love to tell stories of strong women clothed in strength and dignity.

Meet D

The title on her Tumblr is ‘I like math and dresses.’ I knew I would like her the moment I met her and to say the least, I wasn’t disappointed. She, like all of us, harbors insecurities; they are hard to hide from a photographer. But she walks proud with genuineness and power. Her smile moves clouds from the sky and all you can see is light.

D worked hard graduating from Harvard with her PhD and believes one can never be overdressed or over-educated. She is a force to be reckoned with.

Her essence reminds me of what Amelia Earhart said, “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” We as women sometimes allow our insecurities or the opinions of others to get inside of our heads and drive. But women like D stay in the driver’s seat. We are the ones empowering and inspiring a generation of women to not be afraid. To not belittle themselves. To not demean themselves. To know they can set the world on fire with their words and their hearts. This is not a little task. The world will rise and fall with our accomplishments and our failures. As women, let us rise up to the challenge and take on the world one strong step at a time. We can take on anything that comes our way. I look forward to photographing a generations of strong, independent women and the ones rising underneath them. Until then, please enjoy the lovely D.

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