Seattle Family Photographer | Practice Practice Practice

Picture of Tilly



Some photographers who I admire the most say that if you feel like you “made it” and are “there” or done learning when it comes to photography – then you are dead wrong. I take classes and even caught a great mentor this year to help me with some of my on going issues. I feel lucky to have found a mentor. Photographers will tell you – it is a dog eat dog world out there and most photographers do not talk to other photographers. I am lucky to have found a wonderful photographer that wants nothing more than to help me – I am truly blessed thank you Jonathan.  I also have great friends as photographers who make great sounding boards! For example the up and coming Rachael Osborn Photography – getting in front of her lens is a blessing for any client as I have never met a more tenacious woman who will be on top of the world soon.

So back to my practice – there is one tough spot for me and photography – TODDLERS. So I decided everyday for a month I would practice; as luck would have it this Seattle Photographer has a TODDLER. I also wanted to work with lighting and capturing his true essence.


**Last picture in series was taken and edited with my iPhone 4s (best camera is the one on you).**

Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer Seattle Family Photographer


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