Seattle Family Photography | Itsy Bitsy Spider

Picture of Tilly



Seattle Family Photography | Itsy Bitsy Spider

No matter how many photography classes or posing classes you take – there is nothing in the world that will prepare you for a toddler. Nothing. During this photography session I sang. It was a total first for me. I am accustom to making random noises; but not singing. In retrospect probably should have apologized to the parents after – normally the only thing that has to endure my lack of carrying a tune is my 4 car doors. On this day however – I sang “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.

What is almost painfully funny – when I do have the chance to photograph a person that will listen to my directions and stand still (I freeze) – its too easy. There is a special kind of joy and feeling of triumph I get from turning a fussy toddler into a happy one.  Sometimes it means singing songs, squawking like a bird – or just plain and simple patience. Not a single photography class I took taught these traits.

This stunning family is a family I have had the honor of working with before. I took pictures of this beautiful and smart little girl as a newborn and seeing her now walking and learning Italian is just a blessing! She loves birds, dogs and her stuffed animals and most of all hugs from Mom and Dad! What an absolute joy working with this amazing family.

View the entire session in the video or view a few photos below!

seattle family photography
seattle family photographyseattle family photography seattle family photography seattle family photography seattle family photography seattle family photography seattle family photography seattle family photography


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