So Many Smiles! | Family Photography Should be FUN.

Picture of Tilly



smile: verb
form one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

What’s behind a smile? Is it simple emotion? Or is it the stories behind those emotions? A smile fills in the blanks of a photograph. It shows the emotions of the moment, and the journey behind it. It’s the elation, the joy, the love, the excitement of life. This session exemplifies why we smile, laugh, and love.

As a family photographer, it’s my job to capture smiles. Not poses. The eyes are the windows to the soul, but smiles are the doorway to our emotions. Behind every smile is a story waiting to be told. Some of our biggest milestones revolve around smiles. The smile plastered on your spouse’s cheeks when you met them at the altar is burned in your memory with the excitement and nerves of the big day. Your baby’s first smile reflects your own overwhelming love. A child’s smile when dad picks him up from the first day of school is mixed with fear, relief, and joy. The circle of life is truly the circle of smiles.

This gorgeous family is bigger than life. They love hard and know how to have fun. I had such a blast with them on this beautifully overcast Seattle day. I hope you enjoy their smiles as much as I did photographing them!

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