Thank You Dad | A Message from Your Photographer

Picture of Tilly



Because of You | Today’s Photography Session was Great!

Dear Dad,
Thank you for a great family photography session.

You Showed Up
Thank you for showing up. In the years I have been photographing families, you would be surprised how many Dads (in nuclear families) are a no-show for family photos. This surprises me every single time and makes me a little sad. I feel sad not only for Mom who is going it alone but for the kiddos who will have a professional photo without the man who means the most to them. I have heard every single excuse in the book: “I don’t DO family photos,” or “I don’t like how I look.” If your partner can show up, so can you. So dear Dad who showed up today: thank you. You realized this isn’t about you.

The Calm in the Storm
Thank you for being the calm in the storm today. You watched your spouse transform from sweet, kind, and calm to maybe totally crazy in .25 seconds this morning. While she was selecting outfits for everyone, chasing kids, trying to apply makeup and do her own hair for once, you held it together. You did not get mad or frustrated at her. You understood this is really important to her and your family. You were able to smile and hug her even if she had some tone and sharp words this morning. She’s nervous, and you get it. You get that you are in most of the photos in your family album because she is the photographer in the family. This is finally her chance to have a photo with her and the people she loves most together. Finally. You get this is about someone you love, so you can easily be the calm in the storm and remain supportive. Thank you.

Thank you, Dad, for being enthusiastic about something you care very little about. It shows your team spirit! You stood in front of the mirror this morning, and looked at the sweater your partner picked out for you thinking, ‘You have to be kidding”. Then your spouse walked into the room and instead of grumbling, you smiled and thanked her. You did this because you remember all the times she showed up to you about stuff she cared very little about. The time she rubbed war paint on her face and wore that huge jersey in 20 degrees, screaming in a stadium for a player she really knows nothing about. Or the time she set up poker night and served all your buddies’ whiskey, then cleaned up after everyone without saying a word. You remember all the times she showed up for you with an enthusiastic attitude. You showed up to today’s photography session with a great attitude and participated. You understand it is the least you can do. Thank you.

On your way home, no matter how much you can’t wait to take off those stiff clothes, you reach over and thank your spouse for setting up the session, planning it and working so hard to get the whole family looking good. You realized that she held the torch for capturing memories and saving them for you both when you are old and your children are grown. You appreciate her, and all of her hard work. And you know what? I appreciate you. You get it. Thank you.

Because of you, this session was a success!
Your Photographer

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for “getting it”!

Check out the photos below from the Winter 2015 Mini Sessions

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seattle photographer seattle photographer seattle photographer seattle photographer


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