Women are Going Higher! -Seattle Photographer

Picture of Tilly



A Seattle Photographer: Going Higher

Do you think you can go higher?

Again she ran across a cold hard dock in her ballet flats with a questioning glance which grew and grew each time I asked. “Can you go higher – jump higher?” I’m flat and matter of fact in my tone. Something inside of me said she could. Each time she jumped I asked her again, somewhat impatient and worried we were losing valuable light. The opportunity for a great shot was fading.

She stopped and stood, catching her breath which showed in the cold air for mere seconds. I asked again, “Do you think you can go higher this time?” She straightened out her bra strap and squinted at me. Not sure if it was a “Stop asking me that” look or the fact she had her glasses off and could not see me well. Either way I knew this one was going to be it!

She ran and then jumped into the air like nothing I have ever seen or had the opportunity to capture before. She was elegant and powerful all at the same time.

I screamed in delight, “Nailed it!”


While this seems like a simple question, it is not.

Do you think you can go higher?

Can you? I believe you can, and the only one stopping you is you.

In my short lifetime, I have started many ventures. I have run successful businesses and worked for very successful companies. Nothing thrills me more than watching a woman, young girl, or seasoned lady realize she can go higher. Nothing thrills me more than watching another woman succeed.

I am in the minority. Women love to break other women down, but thank goodness I am not here to talk about that. I am here to ask you: can you go higher? If so, what does that look like and how can I help?

The last few weeks I have watched (virtually) a very special woman I know blossom into “I can go higher!” mode. Erin, you CAN do it! I have also recently met a woman who was in the process of feeling “I can go higher!” because she is starting her own business, and I am so eager to help! Alyssa, you CAN do it! I watched this stunning client of mine- a mere 17 years old- who said she is applying to Harvard, Boston College and even gave a wink to the University of Washington. All I know is whoever gets her stunning spirit on their campus is better for it. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I am surrounded by so many smart, stunning and powerful women. I am so blessed and a better woman for it.

You can go higher. The only thing stopping you is you. If you need a reminder of how amazing you are, call me.

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