She Will Move Mountains | Sophia’s Senior Portrait

Picture of Tilly



Sophia’s Senior Portrait on Mercer Island

What is beautiful? What is beauty? I have poured over this topic in my mind so much. Anyone who keeps up with this blog knows this, and there have been some pretty heavy revelations about it on here.

I look at Sophia and I see beauty. To me, what makes her beautiful is that I  know how smart she is, how athletic she is and how kind she is. I can obviously see how incredible her smile is, and watch her effortlessly light up a room. This is not what makes her stunning to me. I finally put my finger on it today as I was watching my son of all people.

Her confidence makes her stunning. Her ability to laugh, smile and enjoy life no matter what. She is not bogged down by the little things. The petty things that make a person cautious. I see it in my son; perhaps it is something that only young people can truly possess. The ability to really laugh at a joke. To believe in the impossible. The confidence to push forward no matter what. It is intoxicating and energizing to be around. She will move mountains.
As soon as I got home from her session, she inspired me and I had to edit a photo I knew I nailed to tell a story that has been pushing on my heart.  See that blog post here:
Women are Going Higher.

Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior photographer mercer island senior portrait photographer seattle



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