6 Month Old and a 3 Year Old | Seattle Family Photographer

Picture of Tilly



Seattle Family Photographer and Happy Accidents

Accident is a big word. It refers to everything from a potty training mishap to a car crash to spilled milk. That’s a lot of meaning riding behind a word. We say things are accidental to try to ease the pain of the truth we’re about to share, or to explain the not so easily explained situation away. Then we apply additional qualifiers to express good fortune or intention: a happy accident, if you will.

As a Seattle newborn and family photographer, I adore happy accidents. I’ve come to find that art thrives in an unpredictable and lively environment. As people, we tend to like order, routine and met expectations. In reality, we often meet chaos, fall out of routine, and have unmet expectations. This is what I love to capture simply because it’s real. It’s life as it is in its imperfect perfection.

They say there’s no such thing as accidents, and I’m beginning to believe there may be some truth behind that. Sometimes things play out in a way we could never rehearse. I may be a seasoned newborn and family photographer, but I still make a mistake every now and then. Somehow, I slightly nudged my 6 month old client and flopped him over. So what’s a family photographer to do? Snap a photo, of course! This turned out to be one of my favorite moments of the entire session. A happy accident indeed.

This gorgeous family was a joy to work with. I’m so excited to share their photos with you. As you go about your evening, I hope you are blessed with happiness and good fortune, even if it is of the accidental variety.

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