A Sister is Born | Newborn Photography

Picture of Tilly



Seattle Newborn Photography | Avery Jane

And the little wins…

My husband was out golfing with his work yesterday (Monday) and between running my business, my house and raising our munchkin, life can get really crazy.  I couldn’t help but think Mothering is like Golfing. You play and practice a lot and get very few hole in ones, but you keep coming back because that one moment, as little or big of a win, it feels amazing.

Just this last weekend I had 9 clients, a Halloween Party (photo at bottom for your amusement) getting costumes prepared and had to bake a ton of cupcakes for a bake sale. All things I never even saw myself doing 3 years ago. My house was unrecognizable by Sunday night. If you know anything about me, I am a neat freak. I sat at my dining room table sipping my homemade Kombucha (seriously, I guess I make that in my spare time) watching my son play in a room that was covered with toys, jackets, half eaten objects my dog got to, basically – total chaos. For the first time I did not care.

My husband seemed a little worried. He was walking around tidying up because the house had finally gotten to a place that even he could not tolerate, which is really bad! Still I sat so content just watching my son. He was in his world of make believe still wearing the blow up Buzz Lightyear wings from the Halloween Party earlier in the day. I have a feeling it will be days before we can pry those from his body. He was so happy.

Like all Moms, I think my kid is amazing. He went through some serious tough patches, but for the last 3 or 4 months he has just been an absolute delight. Unprompted pleases and thank you’s. Sharing. Loving and kind. He is really just been the coolest person in the world to hang out with.

I said to him “hey Bubba, I think you are really amazing.”

He said back in his very serious voice and stern face “No Mom, you are amazing … an I’n awesome Mom.”

Me very pleased “you are.”

For me this was a hole in one moment. If I do anything at all as a Mom I want my kid to know he is wonderful and loved for who he is at every single stage in his life. It felt good to know he knows that, even if he can’t truly grasp the whole meaning just yet.

I hope you enjoy this fun Newborn Session! Welcome to the World Avery Jane!

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