Newborn Photographer Meets Four Girls!

Picture of Tilly



Sisters and a Newborn

Something must be in the the air this fall because I have been graced with the presence of so many newborns. This is such an amazing opportunity for me to hold, smell, and cuddle a tiny person. I love it!

If you were a fly on the wall, you may have seriously wondered how this session came together. This wonderful mom made multi-tasking look like figure skating. She glided through the room effortlessly as her munchkins needed her. I was busy setting up shop in the very little light the room offered (and sweating bullets all the while). There was noise everywhere. Meanwhile, this precious new baby slept completely unphased. I kept looking at this tiny creature, surrounded by chaos, and I could not help but feel calm and like anything is possible. Anything.

There are so many amazing, small miracles every day. This mom was gracefully moving through her home, accommodating everyone, and empathizing with all of her girls: honoring herself and her family. Capturing siblings with a newborn is an act of love and art for me. The deepest motivator for most artists is pain. I’m no different. I never had a relationship with my sister, and being in this room with three, adoring sisters, I wanted to create something that emulated their loving relationship that is nothing short of a miracle to me. I wanted connection and love to pour through my lens, and happy memories to be captured for a lifetime.

I feel like my mission was accomplished. I present these three stunning young ladies and their strong mom!

seattle newborn maternity family photographer_0521 newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer newborn photographer


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