Standing on the Edge | Seattle Family Photographer

Picture of Tilly



When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. -Benjamin Franklin

Your Seattle Family Photographer

Letter to My Son | Standing on the Edge of Change

One of the joys of parenting is getting to watch your child explore and try new things. On this day, I watch you, my sweet and curious son, try something new.

You tightened your personalized bright red cape around your neck and stood on the edge. You took about 30 seconds to decide if this was a smart move or not. Your hands steady in front to catch yourself. You leaped. You had no idea what would come after this risk, this leap of faith. You just leapt. See for yourself:

When you landed, you looked over at me with joy and shock. You said, “Mommy did you see me fly?!”

I’m so happy I was there with my camera to capture your bravery and great attitude. You won’t know if you like flying unless you try it out.

You are so brave and learned a great lesson. It’s always worth trying.

Love you, Mom

I am standing on the edge and ready to try something new. My heart is beating probably as much or more than my sons on that day. I am so nervous. I am afraid to fail. I am more scared of not trying. I am going to be making some fun and scary new changes to my business in the days to come and I hope you will be here to watch me succeed (or fail). I want to jump despite my fears. I will never know unless I take the leap.

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. -Arnold Bennett

I’m ready to get really uncomfortable.

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