Desire to Play and Create | Your Photographer’s Thoughts

Picture of Tilly



I often falter back and forth about if I should do what my client tells me to do. Should I recreate that Pinterest photo for them or should I trust my heART?  Should I listen to that voice inside that desires so much to be seen and heard? Or perhaps I should create and be creative only outside the confines of getting my next paycheck? What if I created when my only inspiration was fear? Fear if I do not conform, people will not like my art.

Your Photographer’s Desire to Have Permission to Create defines create as ‘the freedom to create an artwork, musical work, or piece of writing based on the artist’s interpretation and mainly for effect; also called poetic license, etc.’ I wish I created with more bravery. I wish I took more ‘creative license’ when I work as a photographer. I feel like my work would only then go from good to great to amazing.

Danny Gregory says, “An artist is someone who sees and feels realty very intensely. Creativity doesn’t mean just making things up out of thin air. It means seeing and feeling the world so vividly that you can put together connections and patterns that help to explain reality. It means you see the beauty in the world rather than trying to hide from it.”

Am I depriving the world of my heart and art when I only create in fear? Or am I being realistic by playing it safe? The only way to find out is to jump and see where I land.

The moment I met this couple I felt at ease. A sense of ease to jump and see where I land. They gave me room to fly and I asked to try things I love. Capture connection and love that I long to see in all relationships, including mine. I flew, and I created something almost as beautiful as this couple’s love for each other and their new little. Thank you for giving me permission to play. I am in love with every photo from this session.

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Hair and Makeup: Robert Holzer
Assist: Robert Holzer
Location: In Home & Golden Gardens


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