Goodbye 35

Picture of Tilly



Goodbye, 35

Seattle Photographer’s Year in Review

I surprised myself so much this year. 35 was good to me yet challenged me.

We bought our first home, and I remodeled it, all by myself. This was the most intense three months of my life. I got up around 6:00 a.m. every morning and worked until nearly midnight every night, swaying between every day adult duties and my new full time remodeling gig.  This was my life for.three.straight.months. I had Vaseline and band-aids by my bedside for my nightly ritual of trying to heal the cracks in my skin and holes from stray hammers and nails. I learned all about sanding, painting, flooring, tiling, molding, wall demolition, staining, dry-walling, texturing, electrical work; I even installed some new outlets!do it yourself remodel diy remodel do it yourself remodel remodeling do it yourself upcycle remodel remodeling do it yourself upcycle remodel remodeling do it yourself upcycle remodel

bathroom remodel do it yourself

I am most proud of my dive-head-first-ask-questions-later attitude and all I managed to accomplish thanks to my tenacity. Huge shout out to my son Henley, who took amazing care of himself while I worked. I am so lucky to get to wake up in this house made into a home by me.

35 also taught me my love of gardening and growing my own food. If I wasn’t working on the house, I was working in the yard. Our new yard needed a major tear out of plants; we filled two 30 foot trucks from floor to ceiling with all the plants we had to remove. While we have not begun re-planting yet, I did start a garden with raspberries, spinach, blueberries, carrots and a multitude of herbs! On the other side of the house, I planted a huge wall of flowers, all of my favorites. The colors and cheer that came from looking at these flowers were so rewarding! This was my me time, fingers in the dirt.

Then came my paddle board. I decided I needed a hobby this year because it was time to get to know me outside of caring for people or my home. It was time to look inward and care for myself. I had never paddle boarded before I purchased my board, and took it out to the lake a few blocks from my house. This became a daily ritual. Henley and I would head out to the water and stay out there for hours. He the captain and I the navigator. Soon Abby was also a passenger on our trips around the lake! 

In October, I had the greatest pleasure to volunteer my time and photography for Casa Pueblito, all over Nicaragua. This was an eye-opening trip that I hope stays with me forever. I will be posting about this trip very soon so stay tuned!
35 was immeasurably good to me. Yet incredibly challenging. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I welcome the challenges alongside the defeat and triumph. I look forward to seeing what 36 holds. I’m ready for it, and I hope it’s ready for me.




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