Happy Fall; from your Seattle Family Photographer

Picture of Tilly



Fall, Autumn Pumpkins and Family Photography

Your Family Photographer is excited about Autumn.

My earliest memory of fall is the smell and feel. The crisp and clean cold air on my face walking to school early in the morning. There would be smoke coming from neighbors chimneys. Fall has a very distinct smell and feel.  Have you ever noticed it’s also quieter on these mornings than summer mornings? I like many others love fall and the cozy feelings it brings.

Today I got out of bed to a rainy day and I was happy to sit in my favorite sweater and listen to the rain softly tap my window with each drop. Fall reminds me to slow down and cuddle. To smell the fireplaces that are going in the living rooms of families who are coming together to sit and enjoy connect and tell stories. What is important to you this time of year? Will you make time for it? Will you reflect on what your life has brought you as far as blessings this year? Please take a moment to enjoy these things if only for a moment.

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