Seattle Birth Photographer | Wyatt

Picture of Tilly



Seattle Birth Photographer

Getting in my car to go photograph a birth at 2:00am is pretty much the most exciting time. No birth story is the same. No family is the same. Every single one is special and beautiful. You never know when you are entering into. This stunning family lives in Queen Anne a beautiful Seattle neighborhood. This Mom is one remarkable Mom; her first natural home birth and you would never have known it. She was incredible and fearless. This little boy came into one beautiful and loving home that day.

I was really glad I got there when I did because the baby came within 10 minutes of my arrival. Home births have a different energy to them than a hospital birth. One is not better than the other – just different. I would say the biggest difference is the sound. Home Births are very very quiet. There is not hustle bustle of nurses. No machines, occasionally the Mom has music playing. For the most part everyone I have attended is quiet.

This mom had her little one without a sound. She focused and worked really hard to have her little one… right there in the kitchen. It was powerful.

Her husband held her and was with her every step of the journey.

Seattle Birth Photographer


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