solstice . seattle . smiles | Family Photography

Picture of Tilly



We have been warned for several years that it was coming. We can’t complain that we didn’t expect it, but it won’t stop us from a good moaning and groaning session. After all, we Seattleites love nothing more than opining about the weather. Hot, cold or dreary: the topic runs through our veins like water runs through our streets (or rather ran through our streets.)

Seattle Summers? They are simply spring that smoosh plike play-doh into summer. Well, at least, they were before this year. Now it is hot and lacking our crucial ingredient tied to our namesake like the desert to the Sahara: rain. Where did the rain go? California is definitely not stealing it away, so where is the blasted rain? Is it simply on a summer vacation as well? I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss the raindrops.

Until the rain returns from its sabbatical of unknown length, this means bright skies and tons of fun family photography! This is my fourth family this year that is not from Seattle. I’m embracing this brilliant trend of vacation family portraits. What better way to frame your summer vacation memories? This spunky bunch was a riot, as you will see in the photos below.

Enjoy the sunshine and your vacation, folks; but most of all, enjoy those you love!


family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle

family photographer seattle


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