The lie I tell myself & Single Parent Mini Session

Picture of Tilly



It has been a very long time since I sat down to write to you. The story I tell myself is, now that I am divorced why would you want to hear from me. I am a “FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER” after all. I used to talk about my “family” in my blog. My trials and tribulations as a mother and a wife. I wrote to my clients who could relate to me. The story I tell myself is we no longer have anything in common. This is a lie.

In the 7 years, I have been doing family photography I have been hired by a single mother twice in my whole career. Perhaps they feel the stigma too like we don’t have a “family” to do photography for. Or perhaps like me now, it is simply a budgeting issue. The story I have been telling myself is that as a single Mom, my now tiny family is not worth photographing. This is also a lie.

I am getting back on my writing wagon and going to be more transparent about my life as a single mom. My life as a *cough* ex-wife. My life dating. My new life on a budget. My new challenges and my new joys. Guys, I am back. And I promise to make a huge effort to step out of my “divorce shame soup” and get real with you!

I am excited to be back writing and hope you will enjoy my new life with me.

To celebrate my new mindset I am offering a very special deal to the Seattle Single Parent Crowd; a very special mini session just for you. Friday, August, 9th from 3:00-7:00 pm I will be at Luther Burbank Park for a Mini Session just for you and your FAMILY.





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