Happy Trails | Seattle Newborn Photographer

Picture of Tilly



Happy Trails

Seattle Newborn Photographer

It should be little surprise to anyone that this Seattle Newborn Photographer loves to travel. I love to visit new places, old friends, new friends, and family. I don’t even need an excuse to travel because any old one will do. I also love traveling with my child, and sharing my passion, along with the company of friends and family, with him.

I’ve commiserated with a few other moms about the woes of traveling with kids. So many articles talk about the logistics. Sure, it’s hard to take an eight-hour road trip or trudge through an international airport for a five-hour flight with a small child. But that’s really not what’s so hard about traveling. Their schedule is off, perhaps by a lot or oh so slightly, which means sleeping and eating is a craps shoot. Suddenly, your sweet, precious child, becomes Godzilla and all of those friends and family you couldn’t wait to meet your child are looking at him like he’s a fire-breathing lizard because basically, he is.

Traveling can be a wonderful time for any family, but there are moments that bring out the worst in kids. This is why you see them melting down in terminals across the world, and going full on face down at the amusement park. They’re tired, hot, hungry, and down right cranky. Your beloved family and friends see a whole other side to your child than you see on a daily basis so you spend time explaining away and defending their behavior when you’re truly just as perplexed as they are. But in the end, traveling with kids is all worth it. Just like teaching them to ride a bike bit by bit, you’re teaching them how to navigate life, deal with new people and places, one foot in front of the other. So let’s not be afraid of our tired and ornery kids. Let’s just say they’re becoming well traveled.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

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