Seattle Photographer | Act of Gratitude

Picture of Tilly



An Act of Gratitude

Seattle Photographer: Maternity Photography

Gratitude has been scientifically proven to directly impact our happiness.

Yet modern life seems to stop us from being grateful until the next tragedy hits. As I, Seattle Photographer, sit here, drinking my clean water, in my dry home, it’s easy to get bogged down by the blips on my radar. Suddenly, a city floods and everyone feels grateful for a moment. People band together, the best in humanity shows. We tell ourselves, “Hey! We aren’t that bad after all even if we were complaining about how long the Starbucks drive-thru was less than 48 hours ago.” We tend to forget that modern life has made us spoiled, and yes, privileged.

How lucky are we that for so many of us our biggest stress in the day is how fast the light turns green? Meanwhile, two children walk miles in tattered shoes to carry a bucket of clean water home for their entire family to use. How spoiled are we when a storm knocks out our electricity, and the biggest issue is we missed the latest Game of Thrones episode? Elsewhere, someone is lighting a candle to finish preparing a meal over a fire to feed their family.

Gratitude. It’s something we can make a daily part of our lives if we chose to. As a photographer, I am so, so lucky, grateful, and excited to be able to use my job to bring awareness to all of those people who are less fortunate than I am.  I am donating my time, and talent to travel to Nicaragua for 14 days in October to a cause that benefits so many people.

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. Maya Angelou

This couple got stuck in some horrible traffic they said on their way to our session. I am so grateful because we only had 15 minutes of our 45-minute-session together by the time they got there and I think I got a lot of great photos off! The pressure sure as on, I was sweating bullets!  It is hard to feel grateful stuck in Seattle traffic – but I am, for this family, their new adventure as a growing family and for the sunshine!

Mom is Born Maternity Session: Lincoln Park, Seattle 

Watch a Video of this West Seattle Maternity Photography Session:


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